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June 14th, 2020 – Pastor Jonathan notes how in today’s cancel culture, Christians are especially sensitive to offending others to the point of remaining silent when a relationship with God through Christ Jesus is what many people need.  Our message of redemption is replaced with accepting that whatever life someone is living is okay, even though it may be obvious that lifestyle is destructive to themselves or others.  If all things are permissible, where does that leave the Gospel message?  How can we effectively minister and offer a new hope of renewal to those that need it when we can’t confront what is right and what is wrong?   Pastor Jonathan asks, if the world doesn’t realize there is something that can unite us, provide peace, and give us hope because Christian keep it to ourselves, who will be left to present the gospel?  There may be some that reject the message and others that embrace it.    But how can anyone reject or accept something that is never presented to them?  While we combat the urges of the world, we must remember we are still on a mission to unashamedly share Christ with others.   We must renew our spirit through a commitment to turn from our old selves so that we can effectively share the Gospel.  It is something the world needs to hear.

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